Waves, the blockchain platform for asset/custom token issuance, transfer and trading today announced a new framework that allows developers to quickly and easily deploy gateways to integrate new cryptocurrency coins within their ecosystem. With that, users can then begin trading on the Waves Decentralized Exchanged (DEX).
While developers are often tasked with rebuilding a universal shared base structure for each payment gateway introduced on a blockchain ecosystem, the Waves framework provides a ready-to-build structure so developers are only required to provide the top-level code unique to their coin’s blockchain protocol.
“Gateways have always been a key feature behind the Waves ecosystem,—said Sasha Ivanov, founder & CEO of Waves.—This new framework provides developers with a simple and effective tool to get their payment gateways up and running on Waves, with almost no technical overhead required. It’s our goal to make this process as seamless as possible, helping users bring new coins and liquidity into the DEX and creating a more diverse ecosystem that in turn benefits the wider cryptocurrency community”.
Once introduced, the Waves payment gateways allow users to deposit different currencies and receive dedicated Waves tokens in exchange that are backed 1:1 by funds held securely within the gateway. The tokens can be transferred and traded freely or sent back to the gateway in return for the funds they represent.
The Waves gateway framework is implemented using Python, designed to further simplify the coding process for developers. Developers are able to integrate new gateways with Python by implementing a special Python application programming interface (API) for their unique coin blockchain, or through standard JSON-RPC, REST or similar APIs.
The payment gateway framework is now available (GitHub) for implementation on the Waves ecosystem.
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