What is Waves Dex?
The Waves DEX is a decentralised exchange allowing anyone to buy, sell or exchange every asset existing within the Waves Platform. The max fee for any trade is only 0.003 Waves.
Only assets from this list List of Verified Assets, and having a name in their title are verified by Waves
How does the Waves Dex work?
The Waves Dex pairs orders using a centralized matching service.
Orders are sent over a centralised server, matched and processed on the blockchain. Funds never leave your wallet.
Why we use Waves Dex?
Centralized exchanges have all types of associated risks with use. The smallest mistake can result in loss of funds when sending to a centralised exchange. Several exchanges have closed and funds have disappeared.
Low Cost Trades
Waves DEX fees are only .003 Waves per trade, which is about 3 cents at the time of writing. Finally, I have found the Waves Dex to be user friendly, especially for newer traders. The pace is not as fast, so new users are less likely to make costly mistakes during a trade.
How to use Waves Dex
Simply go to wavesplatform.com, download the full client, or use the web wallet waveswallet.io Check out our other blogs describing how to fund your wallet, and lease your Waves! Stay tuned for more info. Come join us on Waves Platform Cryptocurrency Club on Facebook, for more Waves news and free community support.